A Gift of Wheels

Tuesday, May 9

We Are Rolling Homeward Bound’s Individualized Housing Options (IHO) and In-Home Programs just received a wonderful gift, a new handicapped accessible van. The IHO Program provides...

A Heart This Big!

Wednesday, May 3

Let us tell you a little about Jan. She has worked for Homeward Bound for 40 years! We tell everyone that she started her career...

Miss Independent

Wednesday, May 3

Beginning the Journey Anna R. recently celebrated six months of rocking the title, "Miss Independent". How did she get this title, you ask? In September...

Thank you Music Fans!

Tuesday, April 25

Music to our Ears Our Equipped to Care fund just increased! The Cities 97 Sampler #28 raised over $529,000 last year. We were one of...

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