Upstream Arts
December 21, 2017

A Year of Upstream Arts
Homeward Bound has been honored to partner with Upstream Arts to bring an entire year of engaging and interactive communication to staff and the individuals they support. Upstream Arts uses the power of the creative arts to activate and amplify the voice and choice of individuals with disabilities.
For the past year, Upstream Arts led monthly sessions in the activity room at Brooklyn Park. The program, “The Art of Social Skills”, focuses on developing social, emotional, and communication skills. These are vital to success in school, work, and life. They explore the fundamentals of visual art, theater, poetry, music, and dance.
Upstream Arts adapts this program to be relevant for individuals with disabilities at every stage of life. They most often partner with schools, adult day programs, and community organizations.
Most of all, the sessions bring a unique aspect of incorporating a group project. In the latest session, painting and drumming were on the calendar. What a wonderful experience to all!