Power of Creative Arts

Monthly Interactive Sessions

Homeward Bound is honored to partner with Upstream Arts. They are bringing an entire year of engaging and interactive communication to HBI staff and the individuals they support. Upstream Arts uses the power of the creative arts to activate and amplify the voice and choice of individuals with disabilities.

Since January three Teaching Artists have taught a session every second Tuesday of the month from 6:30 – 7:30. They take place in the activity room at Brooklyn Park. To encourage engagement and to see progress, we offered individuals at Brooklyn Park the opportunity to attend the sessions January through June. The waiver houses attend July through December.

“The Art of Social Skills” sessions will focus on developing social, emotional, and communication skills. These skills are vital to success in school, work, and life. Along with exploring the fundamentals of visual art, theater, poetry, music, and dance. Upstream Arts adapts this program to be relevant for individuals with disabilities at every stage of life, from birth to 75+; most often in partnership with schools, adult day programs, and community organizations.

The sessions have also brought the unique aspect of incorporating a group painting. As part of the session each individual chose a color and made a brush stroke or two and added their vision to a growing awesome painting.  The Teaching Artists moved around the room with grace and adeptness at engaging all the individuals, of all abilities.  What a priceless piece of art!!

We are anxious to see the exciting activities that are sure to come out of these next sessions!  Please contact Kristine Morin development associate at 763.746.4821 or kmorin@hbimn.org with any questions.

News / Spotlight Stories / Power of Creative Arts