Into the New Year

Next Gen

The 2019/20 school year marks the ninth year that Homeward Bound has partnered with wonderful youth for craft projects and activities. From November through May, youth with the Next Gen program at Church of the Open Door in Maple Grove visit Brooklyn Park the first Wednesday of the month. The youth program serves about 200 students in grades 7 – 12 this school year. They rotate volunteer sites each month, exposing them to a variety of experiences of giving back to the community. A new group visits Brooklyn Park each month. This extends the opportunity of visiting with the talented individuals at Homeward Bound, to all the youth by program end.

November was a festive gathering, as everyone was excited to have the youth back visiting! After a fun activity of hand-traced turkeys, the group ended with the monthly favorite activity; bowling! December was especially fun. We had a box of wooden trees, donated from a vendor as part of the Minneapolis Mart donation last month. Because of this donation, the individuals got to paint and decorate three dimensional trees! We are extremely grateful to Church of the Open Door for being our community partner and good neighbor!

News / Spotlight Stories / Into the New Year