Holiday Cheer
December 11, 2019

Giving Back
Homeward Bound recently received hundreds of fun items from the Minneapolis Mart! Minneapolis Mart is a wholesale permanent showroom facility in Minnetonka with 140 vendors. The Minneapolis Mart is not open to the public but rather to resale businesses only.
Every fall they hold a sample sale and whatever does not sell they donate a portion to approximately eight area nonprofits. This year Homeward Bound was chosen to receive beautiful items for the individuals and staff such as apparel, scarfs, hats, linens, party decorations, books, Christmas items, home décor, frames, craft and supplies, wall décor, table top items, paper goods, greeting cards, jewelry, gift wrap, thermal cups and on and on and on.
Homeward Bound administrators will be going through the items and distributing to the individuals. Anything not needed by the individuals may be shared with Homeward Bound staff.
Enjoy and Happy Holidays.