CEO Corner – October 2023

I last wrote an update about Homeward Bound’s activities related to closing the Brooklyn Park facility and opening several smaller homes last April.  The project is nearing completion.  To recap: the project consists of building several smaller homes that will be licensed and funded under Minnesota’s Home & Community Based Services.  Once finished, licensed and staffed, 12 individuals from our facility in Brooklyn Park will move into these homes and the building of the original facility will be sold.

The project got underway last fall when ground was broken and construction was started at three of HBI’s five buildable lots.  Construction is now finished, except for some lingering issues.  The homes have furniture and we are slowly moving supplies and equipment in.  Planning continues for moving the residents and all of their possessions.

Check out photos of the building process from start to finish!

All through the process, we have been working collaboratively with Hennepin County.  The final major part of the project has begun with licensing.  The state fire marshal’s office will soon kick that process off with inspections, soon to be followed by licensing inspections by Hennepin County licensors.  Once we have gotten the ok from our licensor, we will be able to move individuals into their new homes.

Many have toured the new homes.  Individuals who are going to live there, staff who will move over from the larger facility, family members, and even representatives of our banking vendor have all praised the homes as having the characteristics of real homes, while also allowing for convenient work by staff.  Hopefully by the end of the year, I will be able to report that all the individuals have moved and are living new and rewarding lives in their new homes!

Don Priebe

Blog / CEO Updates / CEO Corner – October 2023