2024 ARRM Conference Recap

The ARRM Forward Annual Conference is the largest educational event in Minnesota, dedicated to front-line support staff and middle management development.  This year’s conference transformed into an action-packed day of training, development, and networking, attracting over 600 attendees, including Direct Support Professionals (DSPs), site supervisors, program managers, directors, and executives. 

Homeward Bound proudly sent more than 15 staff members, including directors, LPNs, and administrative personnel, to the 2024 ARRM Conference.  Our team engaged in various sessions and explored innovative solutions, gaining valuable insights to bring back to our organization. 

Finance and Business Forum
Theresa, our Director of Finance, participated in the Business and Finance Forum Panel.  Highlights include industry survey results the networking opportunities.  The key takeaway from Theresa’s experience was the crucial advice from attorneys on preventing costly audits or the worst-case scenario: DHS recoupment of funds.  

Nursing and Operations: Exploring New Technologies 

Lisa Fredericksen, Director of Nursing, and Kristi Nordland, Director of Programming and Operations, shared their experiences and excitement about two innovative technology products: 

Lil Nipper: An automatic, rechargeable medical-grade electric nail clipper by Clip Different, designed for infants, children, and adults.  This ergonomic device aims to improve safety and independence, making it ideal for caregivers, parents, and nurses. 

Vayyar Care Radar Device: A non-intrusive monitoring system that detects falls without cameras or wearable components, using radio frequency waves to ensure privacy and constant protection. 

Lisa and Kristi also attended a session on “Global Strategies for Overcoming Caregiver Shortages,” which explored innovative employment solutions from around the world.  They are eager to apply these insights to potentially address workforce shortages here at HBI, particularly in nursing recruitment. 

Leadership Development Sessions
Our directors participated in sessions focused on leadership development, gaining valuable skills and perspectives to enhance their roles. 

The Journey of Influence and Executive Presence by Tom Krause: 

  • Emphasized the importance of self-awareness, humility, and empathy in leadership. 
  • Highlighted the impact of leaders on their teams’ morale and performance. 
  • Provided tips on effective communication and understanding others. 

Navigating the Ten Tensions of Leadership by Neil Ihde: 

  • Addressed common leadership challenges such as balancing authority with approachability and macro-management with micromanagement. 
  • Encouraged leaders to recognize and navigate these tensions to improve team relations and decision-making. 

Humans Needs Solutions: How to Add Humanity to Work by Emily Elrod: 

“We are humans, working in systems, needing solutions” 

  • Focused on understanding human behavior and creating supportive work environments. 
  • Suggested practical approaches for employees and leaders to enhance workplace dynamics. 
  • Emphasized the importance of acknowledging individual needs and fostering connection and accountability. 

Kristine Morin, Director of Development, shared her insights from the session Best. Supervisor. Ever: How to Create the Team of Your Dreams.  This session delved into overcoming barriers to effective leadership, particularly the “10 Tensions” that leaders face.  Some key points that resonated with Kristine included: 

  • Tension #1: Confidence vs. Humility: The necessity to be confident yet humble as a leader. 
  • Tension #2: Visible vs. Invisible: Genuine credibility comes from moral authority through action. Leaders must “walk the walk” to earn trust. 
  • Tension #4: Teacher vs. Learner: Embracing the mindset of being a continual learner. Effective leaders use corrective conversations to focus on lessons learned rather than mistakes, maintaining respect and trust.  

Homeward Bound’s attendance at the 2024 ARRM Conference was a fruitful experience, filled with learning and networking opportunities. Our team members returned with new ideas and strategies to improve our services and address industry challenges. We are excited to implement these insights and continue our commitment to excellence in care and leadership. 

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News / Feature / 2024 ARRM Conference Recap