12th Kitchen Renovation
May 4, 2018

Plymouth House Redo
Homeward Bound Plymouth House recently received the gift of a beautiful new kitchen.
Since 2006, Century and Saint Paul Colleges have completed the renovation of twelve kitchens for Homeward Bound. Century College Kitchen and Bath Design students complete a new kitchen design. The Saint Paul College Carpentry students do the demo, build any necessary walls, and sheetrock. The Saint Paul College Cabinetmaking class builds, stains, and installs the new kitchen cabinets. All of this is with the professional guidance of Century College Kitchen and Bath Design Instructor Margaret Krohn, Saint Paul College Carpentry Instructor Perry Franzen and Cabinetmaking Instructor Tom Hillstead.
This wonderful community partnership allows the students to learn while working on a real-life project instead of a mock project completed at school. The students also learn about the challenges of individuals with disabilities and our projects allow them the opportunity to give back to the community.
We could not do these renovations without the help of the broader community. Fraser Morris Electric completes our electrical needs for each kitchen renovation. Innovative Surfaces donates the counter and sink, a.c. carlson appliances donates new appliances, and the Twin Cities Floor Coverers Apprenticeship Training Program provides the labor to install new flooring. In addition, this year we added a new donor to the mix, Cheney Carpet in Plymouth gave Homeward Bound a significant discount on the flooring material. This is a true collaboration, a “Barn Raising” type of project that takes many hands to make it work.
Thanks to all of our wonderful donors and volunteers who donated materials, time, and expertise to help us renovate our 12th kitchen since 2006.