Employee of the Month – November 2024

We are excited to announce “Baba” Otuyelu as our November Employee of the Month! We are so appreciative of the work that he does and would like to congratulate him on this well-deserved recognition!

Baba has been with Homeward Bound for 10 years and going on to 11 years this January and has been with 36th House the whole time. Throughout Baba’s time at 36th house; he’s connected with the individuals at the house. So much that they feel like they are family to him because he wants to help them achieve their goals, and he always looks forward to seeing them every day because they make him very happy and joyful!

Some advice that Baba would like to give to new HBI staff: “Come with compassion and passion for the work that you do” and “Look forward to being with the individuals”  

Thank you, Baba!

Baba received a $1000 bonus and is a candidate for the 2024 Employee of the Year Award!

Homeward Bound’s Employee of the Month Program started in January 2023 by popular demand from staff who shared ideas and concerns with HBI management at town hall meetings in Fall 2022.  The selection process is done via blind voting to ensure that the winner is selected only for the exceptional life-enriching care they provide to people.

News / Employee Recognition / Employee of the Month – November 2024